36 Days Of Type 2020
36 DAYS OF TYPE 2020 Illustration concept : Loreta Isac 3d modeling : Cojocaru Constantin A stands for archery, B stands for bowling, C stands for canoeing, D stands for darts, E stands for enduro, F stands for fishing, G stands for golf, H stands for hockey,I stands for ice climbing, J stands for javelin throw, K stands for kendo, L stands for longboarding, M stands for marathon, N is for nordic skiing, O stands for romanian sport "oina", P stands for Pushball, Q stands for quidditch, R stands for reining, S stands for snowboarding, T stands for tennis, U stands for unicycle handball, V stands for volleyball, W stands for wrestling, X stands for xare, Y stands for yachting, Z stands for zorba football.